Title: When I was 14 Post by: dewmik on July 15, 2008, 06:54:09 pm We all know that Jitoa is a 14 year old. Today they have Ipods, Wii, computers, all sorts of things so lets tell him what we did at the age of 14
I was in JR High school, you call it middel school. For fun I rode around with a buddy and his girl, we played car games like hid and seak. Other games we played was water football. Thats where you walk into a lake as far as you can (you can also use a larg pond or swimming pool as long you can have your chest out of the water. Then you play football with a nurff ball (yes ouch) The girl I was dating liked football and horses and came to littel britches with me, and we knew wher the hay was stacked. For work I was on my familys ranch so in the winter up at 5 am feed cows go to school come home and do chors tell dinner. The 1st saterday of the month was the Elizabeth dance at the Pavilion hall. Bunch of people dancing, drinking, and reving moters. It was a good time, first time I ever gotr in a fight but that was because the guy that hit me was drunk and thought I was sneaking up on him. I forgave then but lookin back I was only 5' 6'' Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Isaiahs Grandma on July 16, 2008, 06:00:06 am Oh my, I was 14 , about 32 years ago. ;D
Life back then was alot different. There was no computers, video games, Microwaves, cell phones. I actually remember watching television in color for the first time. ;D Yes it used to be only black and white, and you used a clothes hanger to get reception instead of a satelitte. ;D I worked in the corn fields in the summer months, detassling the corn to make money for school clothes the following fall. Babysitting was a rountine thing, and I swore then I would never had kids. OOPS I screwed that up. ;D I would love to turn back time, and be 14 again. If I knew then what i know now, oh how much easier life would of been. Come to find out, I didn't know it all at 14 like I thought I did. ;D Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Jitoa on July 16, 2008, 10:33:59 am wow i am ver y differnt to you
Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: kitten on July 16, 2008, 07:54:18 pm 14 years old..... gee now, that was 16 years ago....
i babysat the neighbors kid... i went roller skating with my cousin at the roller rink, rode my bike around the neighborhood.....the only video game system we had was the Nintendo. (We were up to i think Super NES at the time, but my father was behind the times, lol). the cell phone my sister had was this ugly huge thing that looked like a cordless phone. i guess i was kinda boring at 14 years old...... :-\ Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Jitoa on July 17, 2008, 08:05:11 am I think all of you would rather be 14 now. lol
Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: kitten on July 17, 2008, 06:01:53 pm some days, i wish i was ! ;D
Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Jitoa on July 18, 2008, 02:50:57 pm lol
Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Nova on July 20, 2008, 11:51:04 am Im only 13, lol :)
Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Isaiahs Grandma on July 22, 2008, 06:00:43 am I would love to be 14 again,
because life is so much easier for a 14 year old now, not to mention all the cool toys. We didn't have any of that when I was kid! if I could be 14 now, and know all the stuff I know now, I would be rich! ;D Title: Re: When I was 14 Post by: Jitoa on July 22, 2008, 07:49:28 am Rich lol |